One of my current favorite reads, The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. I was super excited to read this book because I'm a HUGE fan of The Night Circus (which I highly recommend!) I don't want to say this book a bit of a let down because I really enjoyed it. Buuuut...If I'm being completely honest there were some bits that kinda lost me and were slow moving. The amazing detail made up for the holes in the story and honestly things that just didn't make much sense. The descriptions though, wowee this lady knows how to describe a room! All the imagery was spot on with my aesthetic. Honey bees and keys? Sign me up! This book also has a lot of really great quotable bits and I appreciate the queer characters. So I recommend it, but would I say its my favorite of the year? Probably not. I think its about time for a reread of the Night Circus though! (or maybe i'll save it for the fall!)
