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  • Writer's pictureRemi Germaine

Incoming Zines!

This past month I had the opportunity to swap so many zines! I wanted to share all the cool zines that I've added to my collection. Swapping zines makes me so happy and I always get such cool things! If you're interested in zines starting out trading is a great way to get involved in the community.

First I got some lovely zines from @sheinicorn who makes wonderful perzines and poetry zines! Second I got a mini zine from @krisacuellar, they also send a bunch of mini prints which you can get on their website HERE! Third I got a mini zine and a how to zine from @sheriroloff she makes so many wonderful zines and is so inspiring!

Fourth, I bought a spooky themed zine from @reflectivezines. This zine is the perfect mix of spooky and educational. Fifth, I got a zine from @newhrtsnewbns as part of the midwest perzine fest- zine swap. This is the first of theirs I've added to my collection and its wonderful! Last but not least a wonderful collage zine from @allisonannedesigncreate. They have such a polished style, its so beautiful! They also started a patreon recently where you can get monthly zines, check it out HERE!

As always you can email if you want to swap zines!


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