The importance of journaling has been on my mind for a while now. It has been a solid rock for me in these times. Having a nice little personal creative space has been so helpful! For next months printable I created some journaling cards. I hoping this little freebie sparks a little fire in some of my followers to start journaling. Or at the very least have some cute little reminders to use in planners or send to pen pals!
I created these illustrations on the ipad using procreate. I never thought I'd be one for digital art but there is a convenience and versatility that is hard to pass up! I have been challenging myself lately to explore different color combinations. The ipad is amazing when it comes to creating color palettes! Everything I create has a layer of cuteness on it. Which for a while I think I disliked but I'm starting to grow into my natural inclination towards cuteness!
My e-newsletter gets sent on the 5th of every month! So you still have time to get your paws on this printable download. You can sign up HERE! Also if you've missed the past downloads you'll get access to those as well! I hope you think about journaling, or at least remember to be kind to yourself!